
The Truth. Where is it? 
The things that  you Kept. Where you hid it?
People lie to themselves. Pretending that they're innocent. Acting to be nice infront of people. But what about In front of Allah?They just look down. Forgetting the things that they wish it hadnt happened. They knew they were wrong. They knew it was awful. But they just keep doing the things they knew they shouldnt.

The next day, they lived like there was nothing. They walk as if their act was never seen nor known by anyone. they felt, they have another day to live. Another DAY to LIVE.
They kept laughing until their hearts are rotten. They keep talking about people. Distribute raw news about that person. Making others look awful to their friends ear. Making bad impressions. And they are still laughing..

They watched tv. They watched them until it was late. Late to meet The Creator. To meet our beloved. The One who loves us everyday. Everyday. The One who believed in us that we are not patient and eager to meet Him. He waits for us. He longed for us. But what did we do? We watch tv....

They listen to songs. They put the volume up. The device said, " hey, Lets listen to zikir, nasyid and the beautiful ayat of the Quran.." But people tend to keep listening those songs until they went to sleep with it. It was their lullaby to them. Have they thought about Him just for once before bed?

They pray and pray and pray. They want this, they want that. They asked Him. He gave all those things. But in the end, they never thank Him. They only take. But didnt give. He is so loving. But they all took it for granted. Then they got problems. Their lifes are messed up. They didnt know where to go or what to do. They cried like the skies above them fall to their heads. But in the end.........who will they ask for help? Where will they go when their world are collapsing? They go to Allah. The One and Only that can help. So why didn't they just stick to Him? Its because they forgot...

That people up there. The people that i mention, is not less or more than me.
I myself can be one of them. If i forget about Him too. Im not perfect but its not a crime to try and be better.
Im not a good person either. As  i confess, i did more wrongs than there is good. Im not.



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