Its different. TODAY.

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera kamu semua.


So, i haven't post anything since 6 or more months ago. To be honest, im just lazy. hehe. Thats all.

My life is different now. The way i see it, it turned all away around. My life before seemed to be a lot more easier and what do they say it.. its a piece of cake. But today, that piece of cake had turned into a burrito.

I felt so calm, happy, not so stressed and yeah living a life with no worries. But that was me before i turned 16. gehh. hehe. NOW, my head is full of things to worry, to do, to think, to....... carry responsibilities.

What am i kidding? Yaaa, im not so stresssed out of being a 16teen actually. Im fine. Im okay. I know that someday things like this will come eventually. More than that, why should i be worrying about? When i have my best, helpfull and rocking friends to keep me cheered and light up my day when i almost gave up and feeling hopeless? geehee. I might just exploded myself out without them.

Heehee. Sorry im being exaggerate because im 16.

I know that. Problems, responsibilities, stress, homeworks is all part of growing up. But its up to you to stand back up again or just lay there on the ground counting the stars that will take forever and forever.
And i still remember when i was still younger. You dont think much, do much and stressed much. You just play as long as you want until you break a vase and wont be blame because you're still a kid. ( but your big sis or bro will. "kakak! knapa ndak jaga si iyan?! now look what happened! you clean up this mess right now!)  hahaha. yup that felt goood.

Now im grown up. more taller. more mature. more pimples? Yeah more sumandak. :P
The world is changing too. Its a lot hotter nowadays. I heard that years ago, people at my village didnt have to use any fans because its to cold. So cold that you feel it through your bones. (im exaggerating again) But TODAY, even with fans, you will sweat. Then people will buy air-conds and more pollutions will corrupt,  the more hotter this poor earth. but only people like me, (im being mintapuji) cares about it.

haha. Well then, enough being Miss Caring the earth and all. Im just saying that. ok?
May humans realize what they're doing. Amin.

Im going. Next time lagi. Au Revoir?


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