Lighten me

"Move on. Even if you loose something good."

 In this life, certain things are inevitably and yet undescribable to our own self. We never did expect that the worse really happened to our lifes. Its like things like that only happen in the movies. But yeah, youll never know what your future might holds. God has planned it. Well enough so that we can digest it slowly and agree that in this world, you have to be bold.

We might loose something precious to us. That we think we wont ever be apart from that happiness. Because you promised yourself that you will guard it and protect it with all your will. But forgot that the happiness that was with you all the time, was not yours forever. Allah can do what He is willing to . And He knows whats best for His slaves. Because even though you like something, doesnt mean it is good for you. And vise versa.

And this part of my life of growing up, i noticed too. That i had lost some good things in my life. Yet some people too. Because i dont have the right to question why. I dont have the power to control of my future. I dont have the will to stop some things in my life, to leave me. All i can do is accept.
Even sometimes it hurts you, and it makes you to just want wake up from this nightmare but you cant, because it isnt a dream. Its a reality that you should swallow. Slowly.

Moving on is not that easy. Some people moved on by deleting some of their memories to finally forget how it made him or her cried the other day. Some just disappear from others sight and finally got used to it. Yet some, prayed to have a stronger heart and thanked to God, that without the pain and tears that she had, she wouldnt be who she is today. That she understands, that you must let go some things in life to be finally moving on.

Jadi, aku redha dan benar benar berserah diri pada Tuhan. Semua pahit yang dirasa dan duka dalam hati ada sebab semua itu berlaku. Bukan semua yang kita inginkan betul betul menjadi. Rezeki juga begitu. Hanya Tuhan yang berhak menentukannya. Kita hanya hamba. Walaupun susah untuk kita fahami apatah lagi menghadapinya, janganlah bersedih. Bahkan terimalah apa yang Allah sudah tetapkan. Kerana itulah yang sebaik baiknya.


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