thoughts #1

Assalamualaikum. I have a thought. About how people generate such ideas and turn it into a masterpiece. That makes you awe in ways you couldnt imagine. Its so brilliant and just, genius. Genius such as writers, producers, inventors, and just those anonymous ones that havent been discovered yet. People like these have their own way of thinking. They control their own minds. Saying that things can be different and can be done in a better way. And wouldnt give a chance to anyone to tell them not to. They have a strong will and they believe they can do things we cannot imagine. Out of the box. And more than any box you could have. Orang seperti ini layak diberi anugerah. bagi saya lah. Dan memang jarang sekali dapat jumpa segolongan manusia seperti mereka. Bila situasi sedang genting, mereka tidak panik, well ndak sangatlah, tapi mereka berfikir. Secara semula jadinya, anggota badan mereka bertindak balas secepat fikiran mereka. Mereka tidak suka jika ada sesuatu be...