A little too..apa eh?

Assalamualaikum and howdy,

December. December. December. Haiyya dok tinggal satu minggu lagi!! Sakit jiwa aku nih. .___.
Hmmm. Naaa boleh lah juga. Meskipun i still cant accept the fact that im gonna be 17 and like taking spm and all those stuffs. Im still........sigh'

Days at home felt just like a couple of days. Maybe because i was too busy berfoya foya. Ats. Bukan laa foya sangat just wasting time. :0  I did revise a little bit. And found out that some of it wasnt that hard. I finally understood how electrolysis works. Yuiiii. I shouldnt have played too much at school. Hmmmmm.

Then again, sekolah dah nak buka.. And preperation for it, baru separuh dibuatnya. Hmp, kasut sukan yang bebulan bulan di rak luar blum lagi disentuhnya. Abah ada marah hari tue.. "Mau tunggu reputkah tu kasut?!" Ehehe. Sorry abah. Lupa :') hek eleh..buat buat lupa konon. Begitulah selalu. Last miniiiiiit.

Sebenarnya, banyak juga yang ive been thinking. Thinking about school. Thinking about big responsibilities, works, my studies and everything that counts. I just hope that i can get through all of it. But with Allah's will, insyaAllah, I CAN :)     (eee kucing, stop menjilat kaki aku .__.)

And i will certainly will miss this 2013. The most exhausting, stressing, awful, and the most enjoying year ive felt for the past four years at smesh :) it was ok. I loved it. Eventhough tidur tak cukup, buat itu ini, tapi in the end, it was full of sweet memories.. Oh how i miss those moments.

Mmbah oklah. I will face the reality. Ya ok. We are getting older. And i should be ready then. Like my friend just said, 'We will turn to 17. Takleh perangai macam bebudak.' Haha. Orait sis. Orait. Masa memang mencemburui kita kan?

I guess thats that. Dont worry bah, i'll be just fine.


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